summoning UFO DAO
the sisterhood of the traveling Orb, historic Sotheby's NFT sale, Bitcoin whale
Boys Club was featured on TechCrunch this week. Are we so back?
Listen to this week’s Feelings Check-in podcast covering Worldcoin, Doge speculation and personal feelings about my move to the full time degen lifestyle.
Ivy is hosting a mid-year community Feelings Check-in in Discord this Tuesday, come hang!
The Boys
Writer: Deana
Orb Daddies. Your eyeballs are money, baby! Thanks to the Worldcoin launch, you too can now monetize your personhood via WLD tokens. In exchange for scanning your iris via The Orb, Worldcoin will give you 25 WLD tokens. So far, over 2 million people have been scanned, with lines for some scanners seemingly stretching around the block. Non-humans are not eligible. Vitalik has some thoughts. Crypto UBI is cool (exhibit a, exhibit b), and big, audacious goals are admirable, but we still need some convincing.
Team Vera. 500 generative art NFTs from artist Vera Molnár sold out in less than an hour this week at Sotheby’s, totaling 631 ETH in sales volume. 99-year old Molnár began experimenting with computer-generated art in 1968, and is one of the first women known to experiment with this medium. The collection entitled,"Themes and Variations" (2023) is created in collaboration with generative artist Martin Grasser, and came days after a $525K Jackson Pollock NFT sale made waves in the trad art world. Bullish af on Vera.
Sleeping Whale. 11 years ago, someone purchased 1,037.42 Bitcoin at $4.92 per coin. That $5,107 investment sat in a wallet for 11 years, untouched, until earlier this week when they moved their now $37.8M bounty for the first time to another address. They can now afford this Connecticut charmer.
🤳 We love to see it pt 1. Nicole’s nostalgic flip phone mint on Zora!
🌴 We love to see it pt 2. Blake on the Rehash podcast talking art history and NFTs. An incredible listen!
🌱 Hiring? Check out the Boys Club collective.
🤠 Boys Club will be at Permissionless II in September. Use code CULTURE20 for a ticket discount!
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